Anthem BCBS?
I've heard of the insurance but since I don't have it, I can't say. The best thing to do is call your insurance company and ask them. Also find out what they require to be approved. BCBS usually requires 6 month Dr. supervised diet before they will even consider it. BCBS is notorious for denying the first request for approval, don't get worried, just keep on them by calling them every other day after your papers get submitted to them. Dr. Colquitt's a great surgeon, and his office can tell you if they have been paid by that insurance company. The best advice is just call the company and have them send you their requirements.
May God Travel with you on your new journey
May God Travel with you on your new journey

I have Blue Shield of CA but when I submitted my paperwork to Dr. Houston's office they said it was the same as Anthem BCBS of CA. I just started my process so I don't know how they are yet. I should have everything done by the end of the month and be ready yo submit to insurance so I will let you know if I have any issues. If you get approval 1st or have any issues can you let me know.